I don't usually win anything, guess I should enter more give-a-ways? Was so excited when I entered "Glass Float Junkie"'s contest and I actually won two sea washed glass floats! Could not resist entering - love sea glass things, and I don't have any of these sea glass floats. My mom found some years ago after a storm on the Washington coast, but alas, I have none. Until now.
(picture is borrowed from Glass Float Junkie's blog - check it out - http://www.glassfloatjunkie.blogspot.com)
I found out from my friend and fellow sea glass girl, Kamichia Kinzie, the Glass Float Junkie, that I had won just a few days before we went on vacation to Seattle. I was so nervous that they would come and I wouldn't be here to receive them. (or worse yet, the neighbors would take my box!)
Happy Girl! Tom picked up all of our mail from the Post Office and there was my little box from Kenai, Alaska. Pretty aqua-blue/green glass balls nestled inside the box, carefully wrapped in an Alaskan newspaper.....
Wanna see what was inside?
And now here's where I put them, in my big bamboo bowl on the dining room table full of
my sea glass and shell treasures...
Thank you Kamichia! I love my new treasures -
For all the scoop on authentic sea glass floats, make sure to visit Glass Float Junkie's etsy shop, she's knows everything about these little treasures - and she sells some beautiful examples gathered from her beach explorations in Alaska. Glass Float Junkie: http://www.etsy.com/shop/GlassFloatJunkie?page=1
P.S. you can buy the aqua candle at Caron's Beach House, here's the picture, and a link: Beach House Candle. Burns for 85 hours, and is hand-crafted with tiny non-threatened seashells....
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