Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Trees Must be Cold in Seattle...

Just kidding!  Well, kinda kidding...

I flew up to Seattle last week to spend Thanksgiving with my kids, it was cold, and wet, and damp, and windy.... (can you hear me whining?)  In spite of the not-so-great weather, I had a wonderful  time hanging out with them.

Allison, my daughter,  is living quite the urban-girl life in downtown just upstairs from the Uwajimaya "Emporium" store, (Fabulous place to visit!)  in the International District.

We ate at fun new restaurants, went to the movies, walked all over downtown Seattle to window shop, and down to the waterfront.  After a day of exploring in the heart of downtown for black Friday and picking up some fun gifts for Tom at the Pike Place market, Allison and I took a short side trip through Occidental Park in Pioneer Square on our way home.

The trees and the light poles were wearing brightly knit striped sweaters!

(Allison is in the picture, tweeting out the sweater tree pics too!)

From the Seattle PI blog:  "The Alliance for Pioneer Square and Center City Parks have teamed up with artist Suzanne Tidwell to re-decorate the park and mall for the holidays."

Personally, I think this was just simply fabulous.  What a great way to end our day,  stumbling upon these bright shots of color on a gray, damp afternoon.

Love this shot of the historic Smith Tower, next to the Columbia Tower, just at the beginnings of twilight. 

 Maybe Seattle isn't so gray after all.....

For some more information and details about this art project, check the Pioneer Square.org website!  


  1. Wow! Can't say I'd have ever thought to make something like that. Definitely grabs your attention!

  2. Sorry we were out of town when you were here, but so happy that you got to spend Thanksgiving with your kids!


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