By the time Friday night rolled around it was more than time for cocktails and a salmon gourmet feast. I have had this recipe for "Salmon Cooked in Parchment", pinned up on my office bulletin board for a few weeks just waiting for the right Friday night date. Carefully torn from the pages of House Beautiful...
It's pretty easy to do, and extremely scrumptious! Just follow the steps carefully for the lemon rice, and keep in mind that this meal will easily serve 4 or more people. I have been a mom for most of my adult life, and I just can't seem to get the hang of cooking for 2 people. Consequently, we have a lot of left overs!
For the Salmon:
1 lb. whole salmon filet pin bones removed, skin intact (make sure that you have really good salmon!)
1+ T. extra-virgin olive oil
3 generous pinches coarse kosher salt
6 full grinds of a pepper mill
Rosemary Sprigs (this is my addition)
1 sheet parchment paper - brown in not recommended
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
2. Lay a sheet parchment on a baking sheet, place the salmon filet skin-side down in the center
3. Thoroughly coat the filet and an inch or so of the surrounding parchment with the olive oil, creating a slick and glossy surface.
4. Evenly season the filet with salt and pepper and optional rosemary
5. Form an envelope with the salmon tucked inside the parchment by bringing together the edges and forming a tight crease, and tucking the folded ends of the paper neatly under the fish. Your salmon will steam quite nicely!
6. Place the salmon in the middle rack of the preheated oven and cook for exactly 10 minutes. Remove and check the salmon's color by peeking carefully inside the parchment without fully opening it. It should be pale pink and opaque at the edges with a broad swath of still pink-orange flesh down the center.
7. Return to the oven for about 5 more minutes or until the translucent swath has narrowed to a 1/2 inch stripe. Be careful to not over cook it!
8. Remove the salmon from the oven, and release the steam to prevent further cooking.
9. Voila'!
For the Creamy Lemon Rice:
2 cups chicken broth
4 large egg yolks
1/2 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1/2 frozen peas
1 bunch of green onions sliced to 1/2 cup
2 - 2/12 cups cooked rice
salt and pepper to taste
1. Bring the chicken broth to a simmer on the stove top in a stainless steel pot and keep it simmering as you prepare the other ingredients. It will slightly reduce.
3. Add a ladle scoop of hot stock to the egg-lemon mixture and whisk thoroughly.
4. While whisking, slowly add the hot egg-lemon mixture into the simmering chicken broth. Stir or whisk over medium high heat while the liquid thickens and changes color to pale yellow. Add the peas and green onions.
5. Stir gently until peas are warmed through then add the cooked rice. Stir thoroughly, then turn off the heat and let rest, covered for a minute of two.
Serve with your salmon!
Don't forget a good bottle of wine - we had Wente last night..... so good!
Have a great weekend everyone, we're off to have lunch at the Cliff House in San Francisco and do a little rain and storm watching from their towering windows.
Thanks for those wonderful recipes! I can't wait for the copper river salmon to try them! Hope lunch was great!
The lemon rice sounds delightful!
We have moved back to Ontario, Canada after living in Bermuda for seven years. While it is great to be back, we do miss the Island life. We have bought a cottage in the heart of Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada. Your Blog has been inspiring everything coastal to decorate our new cottage =D Thank You
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