Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patty's Weekend

It's that time of year again - St. Patty's weekend.  We started a new tradition about 4 years ago, and every year we find a new Irish Pub in the city to celebrate.  If you have ever been to San Francisco, you know what I am talking about, there seems to be a never ending array of choices for interesting pubs and neighborhoods to explore. This year, we are headed to the Haight neighborhood to a highly recommended pub called Martin Macks, should be fun!

We have had some wild adventures in the city, which do not go on the Everything Coastal blog...

One of my long-time favorite customers sent me these photos from her trip last year to Galway, Ireland. She graciously gave me permission to use them.  
I love it when people share a tiny slice of their coastal life with us!

Absolutely beautiful painted wooden boat in Eyrie Square full of blooming summer flowers, 
such a gorgeous display!

Gosh, now I want to go and explore Ireland too.  Have you been there?  What did you do? What would you recommend?  

Have a great time this weekend!  I know we will, but there won't be any photo evidence...


  1. Love the flower boat!! There are plenty of Irish Pubs here in NYC too, ha.

    Maya @ Completely Coastal

  2. I will be celebrating! Love the photos!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Thank you so much for commenting on our Everything Coastal page, so excited to meet someone else who shares the love of exploring all that the coast has to offer! Will look forward to continuing our conversation.